Toyohari Japanese Acupuncture - gentle and effective. Health fund registered.


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Honeysuckle - Nature's antiviral.

Jin Yin Hua - Honeysuckle, the herbal antiviral.
Chinese herbal medicine has a powerful antiviral that may grow in your backyard. The bitter- sweet honeysuckle or gold and silver flower as its Chinese name translates to, has been proven to be affective against a variety of nasty influenza A viruses, including bird flu and swine flu.
Now is the time to harvest and dry the flowers and store them for the next flu season.

During my clinical internship in Beijing in 2003, the feared avian (bird) flu was in season. The H1N1 virus caused serious life- threatening symptoms. Everyone entering the Japan- China Friendship Hospital where I was based was tested for high body temperature on entering the hospital buildings. At the same time the price of honeysuckle - Jin Yin Hua increased exponentially due to its effectiveness in eliminating this virus. Recent research has shown that the herb is also effective against swine flu and other serious viruses.

In Chinese herbal medicine the dried flower is brewed with other herbs as a decoction, in boiling water and consumed while still warm.

Stefan Hafner